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Studio Advantage To-Do List

Services of an Executive Studio Assistant

Have you ever thought about how much time you give to tasks outside of teaching and choreography?

Dance Studio Hours Saving

You spend approximately  1,500 hours during a given season on tasks that can be delegated to someone else. 
That's a lot!

32 hrs per week for admin
260 hrs per year in project management

Whether some tasks fall through the cracks, or you're cracking at the seams trying to get everything done, there are people to help!
Delegate some tasks so you can concentrate on networking, curriculum building, lead generation, and some much needed rest and relaxation.

By utilizing an executive studio assistant for 8 hours per week plus project management, this could save you 500 hours during your season. 

Hours Earned Back with Studio Advantage

Let’s get you connected with one of our Executive Studio Assistants!

Below features our list of services, but remember it’s only the tipping point! Our helpful group of professionals is also ready to assist with studio start-up procedures, faculty review, and more.

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Monthly Package Rates:

8 hrs/mo

16 hrs/mo

24 hrs/mo

32 hrs/mo


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software setup/transfer

One-time prices based on the number of classes:

1-50 Classes

51-100 Classes

101-150 Classe

151+ Classes


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social media management

Prices based on the number of posts per week. Monthly package rates depending on content only or content plus engagement:

1-3 Posts/week

4-6 Posts/week

7-9 Posts/week


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One-time fees:

1-3 Zaps

4-6 Zaps

7-9 Zaps

10+ Zaps


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Hourly Rate includes:

Student Shoutouts

Senior Bios

Yearbook Layout


Routine Details

QR Code or Print

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Prices based on the number of quick changes. 

1-50 QC

51-100 QC

101-150 QC

151+ QC


do what you love, love what you do - motivational word abstract on a napkin with cup of co

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