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Dance Studio Teacher High Five


what's your
studio advantage?

YOU are the backbone of your business. Do you ever feel the pressure, constant weight, and compacting tasks bogging down how you operate your business? Imagine having an accountability partner to bounce ideas off with… someone you can trust and delegate tasks to… and even someone to do the heavy lifting from time to time!


Studio Advantage empowers you to take control of your business and lessen the tedious tasks that keep you up at night. Our team can lighten your load by providing a strategic plan to facilitate relationships with your customers and staff, integrate tools to reduce the number of manual tasks, and automate processes for year-after-year success. 


We believe getting students in the door is the easy part! What about KEEPING the students enrolled and creating lasting relationships? Studio ownership is more than a number… It’s the impact you have by creating and maintaining a positive experience for your customers.

meet Kathryn

Lead Executive Studio Assistant

Kathryn Grable - Lead Executive Studio Assistant

meet jaclyn

Lead Studio Mentor

meet sarah

Digital Marketing

benefits of an executive studio assistant

Dance Studio Social Mediate Quote
  • Studio Advantage is a service. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about W-2s and 1099s for tax purposes!

  • Unbiased opinions as a third party

  • Accountability via weekly check-in calls

  • Customized guidance from scheduling to staff

  • Professional copywriting and must-have templates for studio communication 

  • Personalized automation strategies to fit your business model 

  • Provide assistance with studio software management

  • And SO much more

do what you love, love what you do - motivational word abstract on a napkin with cup of co

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